Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Article Rebuttal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article Rebuttal - Essay Example The views of Mr. Mackey are one dimensional and lack a sense of ethics. His argument is weak since he does not provide any empirical evidence that philanthropy is bad for business. My perspective regarding this issue is the complete opposite of Mr. Mackey. As a customer anytime I see a company donating money to a good cause such as world hunger I get excited about the initiate. The good deed stays in my mind and when I go shopping if I see any products produced by that company I am inclined towards supporting the firm. The use of social responsibility adds value to the brand of a corporation. John Mackey seems to believe that the only purpose of going into business is making money. He fails to realize that each corporation has a different reason for existence. The man that was once the richest person in the world, Bill Gates, has donated billions of dollars generated by Microsoft towards social causes. The company is still the market leader in the software industry. Shareholders do not mind when a company that is profitable shares some of the wealth with the less fortunate members of our society. John Mackey went as far as saying that donating money towards social causes is stealing money from the investors. This view is completely biased and does not represent the views of the majority of businesspeople in the United States and abroad. I think that by making these absurd statements Mr. Mackey is the one that is decreasing the shareholder value of the company. As a customer I would not support any company with a management team that has such a greedy perspective in life. There are many problems our global society is facing. The majority of the world’s wealth is not in the hands of the 210 governments of the world. The private corporations have hundreds of trillions of dollars in wealth. Our society depends on the generosity and good intentions of the corporate world. In the United States corporations can deduct up to 5% of net income if they

Monday, October 28, 2019

Lydia Peelle - Mule Killers Essay Example for Free

Lydia Peelle Mule Killers Essay In this short story â€Å"Mule Killers† by Lydia Peele we meet three generations of a family, grandfather, father and son as well as the different women in the story. The story is told in present time by the son as a first person narrator, but almost everything in the story is a flashback of the father’s story about his youth. The story is constructed in parts; you get introduced to the lives of the father and the grandfather with no introduction of what has happened before, and then, the story jumps to the end in the present, without letting the reader know what has happened in between and what will probably happen after the story ends. The story takes place on a farm on the countryside near Nashville in the Southeast of United States. Though the story, you get an impression of an isolated society where the church is central and people has got quiet and ordinary lives while they work hard to make a living from their farms. The language in â€Å"Mule Killers† is observing, which we can see in the description of Eula: â€Å"(†¦)her hair swept up off her neck, thick purple-black and shining, the other girl’s hanging limply down, onion paper pale(†¦)† In the story we hear the father tell the son about the events that changed their lives: how he met the mother of his son and also had to give up on his dreams of love and how the lovestory of what should have been innocent turned out to be the thing that shaped his future. The tragic love story represents the way the farmland was changed in the future. Firstly, the shift from mules to tractors in the farming symbolises several things. For the grandfather, the shift to tractors and the following accident marks a new time that he does not accept and he does not take him. This we get an example of in this line: â€Å"you’re gonna see a future I can’t even stretch my mind around. Not any of it. I can’t even begin to imagine. † For the father, the loss of his mule Orphan, which was one of the things that he really cared about represents the end of his childhood. The mules is a symbol of the future and the killing of them is a bad sign for the future and also is the point of no return in this short story. The shift from child to grown-up is the main theme in this story, but also the fathers struggle to live up to his fathers ideals of what a man is, is an important aspect in the story. In his trying to be and act like a grown-up he supresses his fears and his sadness and also the things he love: music and the mules. So it’s like he cannot cultivate these interests any longer. Another important theme in the short story is time. During the story you get a feeling of time passing by. The father goes from being a young man to having a son, who is twice as old as the father was when the son was born, the farming changes and goes from using mulls to tractors.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Slave Women in Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl an

Slave Women in Harriet Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and Toni Morrison's Beloved Slavery was a horrible institution that dehumanized a race of people. Female slave bondage was different from that of men. It wasn't less severe, but it was different. The sexual abuse, child bearing, and child care responsibilities affected the females's pattern of resistance and how they conducted their lives. Harriet Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, demonstrates the different role that women slaves had and the struggles that were caused from having to cope with sexual abuse. Growing up as a slave Jacobs was constantly exposed to sexual abuse from her master. She was forced to learn what it meant to be a slave that was a women and the exploits that she would have to endure. A...there is no shadow of law to protect her from insult, from violence, or even from death; all these are inflicted by fiends who bear the shape of men."(Jacobs,361) The insults and violence that Jacobs endured from her master shaped the choices she made in life. He whispered foul words to her, causing Jacobs much pain. She was forced to lose her innocence early in life. Her master owned her so he was able to treat her and violate her innocence as he pleased. By losing her innocence Jacobs felt that she had done something wrong. She soon realized how she was different by being a slave that was a women. "She will become prematurely knowing in evil things. Soon she will learn to tremble when she hears her master's footfall. She will be compelled to realize that she is no longer a child."(Jacobs,361) The choices that Jacobs took in life were influenced by the position that she was in. She gave birth to two children, hoping they would hel... ...hat clearly inhibits motherhood. She would rather see her child dead in peace before she saw her child as a slave. However this did not happen this way because Beloved came back to haunt the family which resulted in her two boys leaving because they could not stand the pressure of living in a haunted house. So, again motherhood was inhibited because with out any children there is no mother hood and this is all because of slavery. Although Sethe prevented her children from being put back into the evil forces of slavery, there is a greater question of importance. Can Sethe be thought of as a heroine for releasing them from slavery or is it murder? These questions must also be related back to the real-life character Margaret Garner. Works Cited Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Ransom House, 1987 Jacobs, Harriet. Incidents in the life of a slave girl,1861.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Body Glove Case

Question 1: For what purpose does Body Glove use its budgeting system? Which purposes are emphasized? The purpose of Body Glove’s budgeting system was to project expenses and forecast revenues for the upcoming fiscal year. The budget is used to monitor performance (but not linked to performance based incentives) and detect early warning signals of problem areas. The budgeting system allows the managers of each department monitor their expenses in which budgets have been set for materials, salaries and legal expenses amongst others. Question 2: Trace the steps in the development of the budget at Body Glove. What are the key events that relate to the timing of the steps in the budgeting process? 1. The budgeting process of Body Glove began in November 1990. The management team estimated sales growth for 1991 and the national sales manager, Kurt, then broken down these forecasts to provide the total projected sales per month per product. 2. Each department was requested to developed monthly projection of key expenses such as materials, salaries, legal expenses, etc. for the upcoming fiscal year. 3. Russ (president of Body Glove) consolidated, reviewed, and discussed them with his managers, suggesting changes if any changes were necessary as some managers were too optimistic with their forecasting. 4. The budget was finalized by the end of December 1990, by Russ. 5. Throughout the fiscal year the budget was used to ensure figures were met and monitor the performance of departments. It was also used to detect early warning signals of problem areas by comparing actual performance on monthly basis and re-evaluate departments not achieving their budget targets. It was not linked to performance based incentives. The key events that led to the budget being established were the fact that production was scheduled based on historical and pre- book data which meant that they did not have enough inventory and were one month behind getting products into stores, which had two main impacts 1) the cost of inventory stock outs was greater than inventory carrying costs 2) the reputation of the organisation was impacted. The budgeting process meant that managers based their forecasts on a wider scope of information rather than just pre book sales. Question 3: The case says that Body Glove never prepared a budget prior to fiscal year 1991. How can a company like Body Glove function effectively without a budget, or can it? Body Glove had a great product with the neoprene wetsuits and had gained significant market share through its niche fun life style image which challenged competitors. The business had a small but loyal customer base, and had attained no.2 market share. Whilst the business had significant growth, I don’t believe it ran completely effectively. An extract from the case state mentions they lost $1 million in sales due to a shortage of inventory and its forecasts on future sales were not accurate. Anthony, Hawkins & Merchant (2008, p.740) assert ‘If the total costs in a responsibility budget are expected to vary with volume, as is the case in most standard cost centre’s, the responsibility budget may be in the form of a variable budget. Such a budget shows the planned behavior of costs at various volume levels.’ If the company was able to better understand its costs, and forecasts for growth it could have made the necessary investments in upgrading the manufacturing operations to meet the demand. Body Glove’s reputation was at stake and in 1990 the company decided to break away from employing ‘family only’ which may have been a sign that they needed some ‘fresh eyes’ to drive growth. Question 4: What changes to Body Glove’s budgeting and review process would you recommend, if any? * Body Glove needs to undertake some major strategic planning to ascertain company key objectives and ensure that the budget reflects these plans. * Managers should not be the final people to establish the key figures relating to the budget, this should be done separately based on information provided by previous years data (a board or a strategy department should be in charge of this) to eliminate bias in forecasts * The president needs to ensure that the goals of the organisation are communicated clearly throughout the company and how each department directly relates to these goals. Calling a meeting with personnel from each department may be important in communicating this information. * Each individual should relate to the budget. For example, the sales forecasts are dependent upon the work of the sales team and therefore should be a motivator for them to perform. Achieving outcomes should relate to performance incentives, this includes managers also. Question 5: If Body Glove continues to grow and, perhaps, diversifies, what changes will have to be made to the budgeting and review process? Strategic budgeting is imperative in any organisation. Leland (2003) asserts ‘The behavior or capabilities of the large and complex organisation cannot be fully comprehended by analyzing its individual parts. Because of its complexity, the organisation or system, displays emergent behaviors arising from the relationships among those parts.’ Strategic budgeting is about comprehending the whole organisation in order to understand emergent behaviors. It requires a top down approach, not a bottom up approach and at the present the budget system is not really valued by the organisation. The budget system can be easily modified, managers (whose forecasts will be biased) are setting numbers and the outcomes of the budget are not linked to organisational performance which would leave any manager to wonder what the disincentive is not to meet the results. A long range plan should be established so that Body Glove can start some long range formal planning, they should also look at a Strategic Human resource approach whereby they incorporate these long term goals into the behaviors and performance of staff. How do these outcomes relate to an organisation that you are familiar with? Whilst at GSK, each year in February the company would commence the working year with a sales conference where all sales staff would meet and the opening day would include a talk by the managing director on the goals of the organisation. The MD would talk about previous year performance, what worked and what didn’t work so well and key learning’s. We were then told of the total operational budget and this was broken down into sales for our various products. As sales teams, our managers would then discuss with us which Key performance indicators we would be measured by, which was a mix of sales results and behaviors. Throughout the year, our direct managers would often re-communicate the budget to us and we would receive a monthly break down of targets and results.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Biological Effects Of Radiation Environmental Sciences Essay

Radiation describes a procedure in which energetic atoms or moving ridges travel through a medium or infinite. There are two distinguishable types of radiation ; ionising and non-ionizing. The word radiation is normally used in mention to ionising radiation merely holding sufficient energy to ionise an atom but it may besides mention to non-ionizing radiation illustration like wireless moving ridges or seeable visible radiation. The energy radiates travels outward in consecutive lines in all waies from its beginning. This geometry of course leads to a system of measuring and physical that is every bit applicable to all types of radiation. Both ionising and non-ionizing radiation can be harmful to beings and can ensue in alterations to the natural environment. Radiation with sufficiently high energy can ionise atoms. Most frequently, this occurs when an negatron is stripped from an negatron shell, which leaves the atom with a net positive charge. Because cells are made of atoms, this ionisation can ensue in malignant neoplastic disease. An single cell is made of millions of atoms. The chance of ionising radiation doing malignant neoplastic disease is dependent upon the dose rate of the radiation and the sensitiveness of the being being irradiated. Alpha atoms, Beta atoms, Gamma and X-Ray radiation, and Neutrons may all be accelerated to a high plenty energy to ionise atoms. Alpha atom: In alpha atom, the self-generated procedure of emanation of an alpha atom from a radioactive karyon. Alpha atom is by and large termed as alpha decay. An alpha atom is emitted by a heavy karyon. The karyon, called parent karyon has a really big internal energy and is unstable. An alpha atom is a He nucleus holding two protons and two neutrons. When two negatrons revolving around the karyon of He atom are knocked out wholly, we have double ionized He atom known as alpha atom. Beta atom: a beta-particle is a fast moving negatron. The self-generated procedure of emanation of beta-particle from a radioactive karyon is called beta decay. Beta decay is of three types: beta-minus, beta-plus, and electron gaining control. Beta-minus: beta-minus is like an negatron. It is surprising that nucleus contains no negatron, so a karyon can breathe negatron. In the neutron inside the karyon is converted in to a proton and an negatron like atom. This negatron like atom is emitted by the karyon during beta-decay. In beta-minus decay, neutron in the karyon is converted in to a proton and a beta-minus atom is emitted so that the ratio of neutron to proton lessenings and therefore the nucleus becomes stable. Beta-plus: In a beta-plus decay, a proton is converted in to a neutron and a antielectron is emitted if a karyon has more protons than neutrons. Electron gaining control: In negatron gaining control, nucleus absorbs one of the interior negatrons go arounding around it and hence a atomic proton becomes a neutron and a neutrino is emitted. Electron gaining control is comparable with a antielectron emanation as the procedures lead to the same atomic transmutation. However, in negatron gaining control occurs more often than antielectron emanation in heavy elements. This is because the orbits of negatrons in heavy elements have same radii and hence orbital negatrons are really near to the karyon. Gamma beam: Gamma beams are the high energy packages of electromagnetic radiation. Gamma radiations have high energy photons. They do non hold any charge and their comparative remainder mass is zero. Gamma-decay it is the self-generated procedure of emanation of high energy photon from a radioactive karyon. When a radioactive karyon emits a beta atom, the girl karyon is excited to the higher energy province. This aroused karyon beams are emitted by the girl nucleus so it is clear that the emanation of gamma beams follows the emanation of alpha or beta atom.Non ionising radiation:Non-ionizing signifiers of radiation on life tissue have merely late been studied. Alternatively of bring forthing charged ions when go throughing through affair, the electromagnetic radiation has sufficient energy to alter merely the rotational, quiver or electronic valency constellations of molecules and atoms. However, different biological effects are observed for different types of non-ionizing radiation Radio moving ridges: Radio moving ridges whose wavelengths range from than 10^4m to 0.1m, are the consequence of charges speed uping through carry oning wires. They are generated by such electronic devices as LC oscillators are used in wireless and telecasting communicating system. Infrared beams: Infrared radiations have wavelength runing from about 0.3m to 10^ -4m and besides generated by the electronic devices. The infrared radiation energy absorbed by a substance as internal energy because the energy agitates the object ‘s atoms, increasing their quiver or translational gesture, which consequences temperature increases. Infrared radiation has practical and scientific application in many countries, including physical therapy, infrared radiation picture taking, and quiver spectrometry. Ultraviolet radiation: Ultraviolet radiation screen wavelength runing from about 4X10^4m to 6X10^-10m. The Sun is an of import beginning of ultraviolet radiation visible radiation, which is the chief cause of tan. Sunscreen locations are crystalline to seeable visible radiation but greater per centum of UV visible radiation absorbed. Ultraviolet beams have besides been implicated I the formation of cataracts. Most of the UV visible radiation from the Sun is absorbed by ozone molecules in the Earth upper ambiance, in a bed called stratosphere. This ozone shield converts lethal high energy UV radiation to infrared radiation, which in bends warm the stratosphere. X raies: X raies have the scope from approximately10^-8 to 10^-12m. The most common beginning of X raies is halting of high energy negatrons upon the pelting a metal mark. X raies are used as nosologies tool in medical specialty and as the intervention for certain signifiers of malignant neoplastic disease. Because X raies can damage or destruct living tissue and being, attention must be taken avoid necessary exposure or over-exposure. X raies are besides used in the survey of crystal construction because x-rays wavelengths are comparable to the atomic separation distance in solids. Electromagnetic radiation: The wave nature of electromagnetic radiation explains assorted phenomena like intervention, diffraction and polarisation. However, wave nature of electromagnetic radiation, could explicate phenomena like photoelectric consequence, Compton Effect. The cathode rays consist of negative charged atoms called negatrons which are the component of an atom and therefore the component of affair. Harmonizing to the construct of radiation illustration light moving ridge ‘s wireless moving ridges, X raies, microwaves etc. are assumed to transport energy in packages or packages known as photons or quanta.Biological consequence of radiation:In biological consequence of radiation, there are many unsafe effects of our wellness and organic structure. Biological effects of radiation are typically can be divided into two classs. The first category consist of exposure to high doses of radiation over shots period of clip bring forthing ague or short term effects. The 2nd class represents exposure to low doses of radiation over an drawn-out period of clip bring forthing chronic or long term effects. High dosage ( acute ) : high doses tend to kill cells, while low doses tend to damage or alter them. High doses can kill so many cells that tissues and variety meats are damaged. This is bend may do a rapid whole organic structure response frequently called the ague radiation syndrome ( ARS ) . Low doses ( chronic ) : low doses spread out over long periods of clip do n't do an immediate job to any organic structure organ. The effects of low doses of radiation occur at the degree of the cell, and the consequences may non be observed for many old ages. Although we tend to tie in high doses of radiation with ruinous events such as atomic arms detonations, there have been documented instances of persons deceasing from exposures to high doses of radiation ensuing from tragic events. High effects of radiation: high effects of radiation are skin Burnss, hair loss, asepsis, cataracts. Effectss of skin include ( blushing like tan ) , dry ( skining ) , and moist ( vesicating ) . Skin effects are more likely to happen with exposure to moo energy gamma, x-ray, or beta radiation. Most of the energy of the radiation sedimentation in the skin surface. The dosage required for erythematic to happen is comparatively high, in surplus of 300 radiations. Blistering requires a dosage in surplus of 1,200 radiations. Hair loss, besides called epilation, is similar to clamber effects and can happen after acute doses of about 500 radiations. Asepsis can be impermanent or lasting in males, depending upon the doses. To bring forth lasting asepsis, a dosage in surplus of 400 radiations is required to the generative variety meats. Cataracts ( a clouding of the lens of the oculus ) appear to hold a threshold about 200 radiations. Neutrons are particularly effectual in bring forthing cataracts, because the oculus has high H2O content, which is peculiarly effectual in halting neutrons.High dose effects:Dose ( radiation ) consequence observed15-25 blood count alterations. 50 blood count alteration in single. 100 Vomiting ( threshold ) . 150 Death ( threshold ) .Classs of effects of exposure to low doses of radiation:There are three general classs of effects ensuing from exposure to low doses of radiation. These are: Familial: the consequence is suffered by the progeny of the person exposed. Bodily: the consequence is chiefly suffered by the person exposed. Since malignant neoplastic disease is the primary consequence, it is sometimes called the carcinogenic consequence. In-utero: some erroneously consider this to be a familial effect of radiation exposure, because the consequence, suffered by a development is after birth. However, this is really a particular instance of the bodily consequence, since the embryo is the 1 to the radiation. Radiation hazard: the approximative hazards for the three chief effects to degree of radiation are: In familial consequence, hazard from 1 paradoxical sleep of radiation exposure to the generative variety meats about 50 to 1,000 clip ‘s less than self-generated hazard for assorted anomalousnesss. In bodily consequence, for radiation induced malignant neoplastic disease, the hazard estimation is developing any type of malignant neoplastic disease. However non all malignant neoplastic diseases are associated with exposure to radiation. The hazard from deceasing from radiation induced malignant neoplastic disease is about one half the hazard of acquiring the malignant neoplastic disease. In utero: Spontaneous hazards of foetal abnormalcies are about 5 to 30 times greater than hazard of exposure to 1 paradoxical sleep radiation. However, the hazard of child goon malignant neoplastic disease from exposure in utero is about the same as the hazard to grownups exposed to radiation exposures. Linear no-threshold hazard theoretical account: general consensus among experts is that some radiation dosage by a additive, no threshold theoretical account. This theoretical account is accepted by the NRC since it appears to be most conservative. Linear: an addition in dose grownups in a relative addition in hazard. No-threshold: any dosage, no affair how little, produces some hazard. The hazard does non get down at 0 because there is some hazard of malignant neoplastic disease, even with no occupational exposure. Exposure to radiation is warrant of injury. However, because of the additive, no-threshold theoretical account, more exposure means more hazard, and there is no dosage of radiation so little that it will non hold some consequence.Effects OF RADIATION ON CELLSIonizing radiation absorbed by human tissue has adequate energy to take negatrons from the atoms that make up molecules of the tissue. When the negatron that was shared by the two atoms to organize a molecular bond is dislodged by ionising radiation, the bond is broken and therefore, the molecule falls apart. This is a basic theoretical account for understanding radiation harm. When ionising radiation interacts with cells, it may or may non strike a critical portion of the cell. We consider the chromosomes to be the most critical portion of the cell since they contain the familial information and ins tructions required for the cell to execute its map and to do transcripts of it for reproduction intents. Besides, there are really effectual fix mechanisms at work invariably which fix cellular harm – including chromosome harm.Uses of radiation: Nuclear natural philosophies application are highly widespread in fabrication, medical specialty in biological science, we present a few of these application and implicit in theories back uping them. Tracing: Radioactive tracers are used to track chemicals take parting in assorted reactions. One of the most valuable utilizations of radioactive tracers in medical specialty. For illustration, I, a food needed by the human organic structure, is obtained mostly through consumption of iodinated salt and sea nutrient. Radiation therapy: Radiation causes much harm to quickly spliting cells. Therefore, it is utile in malignant neoplastic disease intervention because tumour cells divide highly quickly. Several mechanisms can be used to present radiation to a tumour. In some instances, a narrow beam of X ray or radiation from a beginning such as 60co is used. In other state of affairs, thin radioactive acerate leafs called seeds are implanted in the cancerous tissue. The radioactive isotope 131I is used to handle malignant neoplastic disease of the thyroid. Black organic structure radiation: An object at any temperature emits electromagnetic moving ridges in the signifier of thermic radiation from its surface. The features of this radiation depend on the temperature and belongingss of the object ‘s surface. Thermal radiation originates from accelerated charged atoms in the atoms near the surface of the object ; those charged atoms emit radiation much as little aerials do. The thermally radiation agitated atoms can hold a distribution of energies, which accounts for the uninterrupted spectrum of radiation emitted by the object. The basic job was in understanding the ascertained distribution of wavelengths in the radiation emitted by a black organic structure. A black organic structure is an ideal system that absorbs all radiation incidents on it. The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the black organic structure is called black body radiation. Radiation harm: Radiation harm means that electromagnetic is all about in the signifier of wireless moving ridges, microwaves, light moving ridges so on. The grade and type of harm depend on several factors, including the type and energy of the radiation and belongingss of the affair. Radiation harm in biological being is chiefly due to ionization effects in cells. A cell ‘s normal operation may be disrupted when extremely reactive ions are formed as the consequence of ionising radiation. Large those of radiation are particularly unsafe because harm to a great figure of molecules in a cell may do to decease. In biological systems, it is common to divide radiation harm in two classs: bodily harm and familial harm. Bodily harm is that associated with any organic structure cell except the generative cells. Bodily harm can take to malignant neoplastic disease or can earnestly change the features of specific being. Familial harm affects merely generative cells. Damage to the cistrons in generative cells can take to faulty cells. It is of import to be the aware of the consequence of nosologies interventions, such as X raies and other signifiers of radiation exposure, and to equilibrate the important benefits of intervention with the detrimental effects. Damage caused by the radiation besides depends on the radiation ‘s perforating power. Alpha particles cause extended harm, but penetrate merely to shoal deepness in a stuff due to strength interaction with other charged atoms. Neutrons do non interact via the electric force and hence penetrate deeper, doing important harm. Gamma beams are high energy photons that can do serve harm, but frequently pass through affair without interactions. For example- a given dosage of alpha atom causes approximately 10 times more biological harm produced by radiation than equal dosage of X raies. The RBE ( comparative biological effectivity ) factor for a given type of radiation is the figure of rads of X ray or gamma radiation that produces the same biological harm as 1-rad of the radiation is being used. Radiation sensors: Atoms go throughing through affair interact with the affair in several ways. The atoms can, for example- ionize atoms, spread from atoms, or be absorbed by atoms. Radiation sensors exploit these interactions to let a measuring of the atom ‘s energy, impulse, or alteration and sometimes the very being of the atom if it is otherwise hard to observe. Assorted devices have been developed for observing radiation. These devices are used for a assortment of intents, including medical diagnosings, radioactive dating measuring, mensurating back land radiation, and mensurating the mass, energy, and impulse of atoms is created in high-energy atomic reaction.Consequence OF RADIATION ON HUMANSA really little sum of ionising radiation could trip malignant neoplastic disease in the long term even though it may take decennaries for the malignant neoplastic disease to look. Ionizing radiation ( x-rays, radon gas, radioactive stuff ) can do leukaemia and thyroid malignant neop lastic disease. There is no uncertainty that radiation can do malignant neoplastic disease, but there still is a inquiry of what degree of radiation it takes to do malignant neoplastic disease. Quickly spliting cells are more susceptible to radiation harm. Examples of radiosensitive cells are blood organizing cells ( bone marrow ) , enteric liner, hair follicles and foetuss. Hence, these develop malignant neoplastic disease foremost. If a individual is exposed to radiation, particularly high dosage, there are predictable alterations in our organic structure that can be measured. The figure of blood cells, the frequence of chromosome aberrances in the blood cells and the sum of radioactive stuff in piss, are illustrations of biomarkers that can bespeak if one is exposured high dosage. If you do non hold early biological alterations indicated by these measurings the radiation exposure will non present an immediate menace to you.Radiation toxic conditionRadiation toxic condition, radiation illness or a crawl dosage, is a signifier of harm to organ tissue caused by inordinate exposure to ionising radiation. The term is by and large used to mention to acute jobs caused by a big dose of radiation in a short period, though this besides has occurred with long term exposure. The clinical name for radiation illness is acute radiation syndrome as described by the CDC A chronic radiation syndrome does be but is really uncomm on ; this has been observed among workers in early Ra beginning production sites and in the early yearss of the Soviet atomic plan. A short exposure can ensue in acute radiation syndrome ; chronic radiation syndrome requires a drawn-out high degree of exposure. Radiation exposure can besides increase the chance of developing some other diseases, chiefly malignant neoplastic disease tumours, and familial harm. These are referred to as the stochastic effects of radiation, and are non included in the term radiation.Radiation ExposureRadiation is energy that travels in the signifier of moving ridges or high-velocity atoms. It occurs of course in sunshine and sound moving ridges. Man-made radiation is used in X-rays atomic arms, atomic power workss and malignant neoplastic disease intervention. If you are exposed to little sums of radiation over a long clip, it raises your hazard of malignant neoplastic disease. It can besides do mutants in your cistrons, which you could go through on to any kids you have after the exposure. A batch of radiation over a short period, such as from a radiation exigency can do Burnss or radiation illness. Symptoms of radiation illness include sickness, failing, hair loss, skin Burnss and decreased organ map. If the exposure is big plenty, it can do premature aging or even decease.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Progressive Perfect Tenses in Spanish

Progressive Perfect Tenses in Spanish Although not particularly common in either language, the progressive perfect tense of Spanish is used much like the English equivalent. Since progressive verbs are used to indicate that the action of a verb is (or was or will be) continuing, and perfect verbs are used to indicate completed action, progressive perfect verbs are used to indicate that a completed action forms the background for the action of another verb. Some examples should make this concept clearer. As is suggested by its name, the progressive perfect tense in Spanish is formed by using the progressive form of haber, namely habiendo, with a past participle, the verb form that (with regular verbs) ends in -ado or -ido. (In English its much the same: The progressive prefect tense uses having followed by the past participle.) It is used more often in written contexts than in everyday speech. Here are some sample sentences using this tense. Note that the translation to English is usually straightforward: Habiendo salido de Guadalajara, llegaron a la playa. Having left Guadalajara, they arrived at the beach.Habià ©ndome conocido por espacio de siete aà ±os, pudo responder a muchas de las preguntas que le hicieron sobre mà ­. Having known me over a space of seven years, he could answer many of the questions they asked him about me.Habiendo matado sin querer a otro, decidià ³ expiar su culpa con obras de penitencia. Having killed another without wanting to, he decided to atone for his guilt with acts of penitence.Habià ©ndose lavado otra vez las manos, se sentaron en las sillas. Having washed their hands again, they sat down in the chairs.Ya habiendo visto todo  ¿quà © piensas de la serie? Now that youve seen it all, what do you think of the series? (Literally: Now having seen all, what do you think of the series?) Note that in many cases, the perfect infinitive, using haber followed by the past participle, can be used with little change in meaning: Al haber salido de Guadalajara, llegaron a la playa. (After leaving Guadalajara, they arrived at the beach.) The perfect infinitive is probably more common in everyday speech than the progressive perfect tense.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Animal Experimentation

Animal Experimentation has been used in the past in attempt to solve modern day health problems. There is now evidence to support the results from animal testing is not representative of what transpires in the human body. The key to solving today’s health problems lies not in using animal testing, but focusing on human clinical studies and through preventative measures. Studies have shown human cells have been more reliable in the creation of vaccines than animal cells. In Peggy Carlson’s article, Why we don’t need animal experimentation, she says â€Å"it was also unfortunate that the original polio vaccine was produce using monkey cells instead of available human cells as can be done today†. According to this evidence there was an alternative to using animal testing. In addition the animal cells used to produce the vaccine was actually hazardous. â€Å"The use of monkey cells resulted in virus with a potential to cause serious disease being transferred to humans when the polio vaccine was administered†, said Carlson. It is dangerous and wasteful to conclude that what occurs in animals will have the same results in humans. It is wasteful because of the time spent on animal testing too much time and energy has been devoted to animal experiments that have held back medical progress. Peggy Carlson quotes Dr. Bross, the former Director of Biostatics at the Roswell Institute for Cancer Research, â€Å"While conflicting animal results have often delayed and hampered advances in the war on cancer, they have never produced a single substantial advance either in the prevention or treatment of cancer†. Much of today’s health problems, including heart disease, cancer, and AIDS, can be drastically reduced with the knowledge of preventative measures. Animal testing is uneconomical when we already know the main causes of these diseases. The elimination of smoking and maintaining a proper diet can drastically reduce the occurrence of these... Free Essays on Animal Experimentation Free Essays on Animal Experimentation Animal Experimentation / Rights â€Å"They don’t feel pain the same as you or I†. The issue of whether animals have sense perception (are sentient) is important for those who use animals in research. As long as they continue to think and feel as though the animals do not feel pain the same as you or I, they can go to bed at night with a clear conscience. â€Å"It may be cruel, but it can help us understand the human condition,† runs the argument for animal testing. â€Å"Absolute rubbish†, (Fano) Vivisection, (the act of cutting into or dissecting a living body) has been practiced since the beginning of scientific medicine. In the second half of the nineteenth century, experimentation on living animals became a quintessential part of physiology as an institutionalized profession (LaFollette). According to estimation by the American Medical Association, biomedical researchers use between 17-22 million animals each year (LaFollette). A sufficiently large enough number of animals are used in biomedical research to warrant a scientific and more evaluation of the practice (LaFollette). Even when disagreeing about the moral appropriateness, parties on both sides of the debate assert the scientific validity of animal research (LaFollette). Some of the opponents of animal experimentation argue that some or all types of animal research are not scientifically valid. Many of those objections are inadequately developed and scientifically uninformed (LaFollette). There are, however, legitimate scientific questions about the validity of animal experimentation which merit serious consideration by both sides. After careful assessment of scientific and methodological principles, the indication is that the claims concerning the enormous benefits of animal research are exaggerated (LaFollette). There is reason to question the appropriateness of extrapolating the results of animal experimentation to humans (LaFollette). There are no anima... Free Essays on Animal Experimentation Animal Experimentation has been used in the past in attempt to solve modern day health problems. There is now evidence to support the results from animal testing is not representative of what transpires in the human body. The key to solving today’s health problems lies not in using animal testing, but focusing on human clinical studies and through preventative measures. Studies have shown human cells have been more reliable in the creation of vaccines than animal cells. In Peggy Carlson’s article, Why we don’t need animal experimentation, she says â€Å"it was also unfortunate that the original polio vaccine was produce using monkey cells instead of available human cells as can be done today†. According to this evidence there was an alternative to using animal testing. In addition the animal cells used to produce the vaccine was actually hazardous. â€Å"The use of monkey cells resulted in virus with a potential to cause serious disease being transferred to humans when the polio vaccine was administered†, said Carlson. It is dangerous and wasteful to conclude that what occurs in animals will have the same results in humans. It is wasteful because of the time spent on animal testing too much time and energy has been devoted to animal experiments that have held back medical progress. Peggy Carlson quotes Dr. Bross, the former Director of Biostatics at the Roswell Institute for Cancer Research, â€Å"While conflicting animal results have often delayed and hampered advances in the war on cancer, they have never produced a single substantial advance either in the prevention or treatment of cancer†. Much of today’s health problems, including heart disease, cancer, and AIDS, can be drastically reduced with the knowledge of preventative measures. Animal testing is uneconomical when we already know the main causes of these diseases. The elimination of smoking and maintaining a proper diet can drastically reduce the occurrence of these...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Life and Work of Howard S. Becker

The Life and Work of Howard S. Becker Howard S. Howie Becker is an American sociologist renowned for his qualitative research into the lives of those otherwise classified as deviant, and for revolutionizing how deviant behavior is studied and theorized within the discipline. The development of the subfield focused on deviance is credited to him, as is  labeling theory. He also made significant contributions to the sociology of art. His most notable books include  Outsiders  (1963),  Art Worlds  (1982),  What About Mozart? What About Murder?  (2015).  Most of his career was spent as a professor of sociology at Northwestern University.   Early Life Born in 1928 in Chicago, IL, Becker is now technically retired but continues to teach and write in San Francisco, CA, and Paris, France. One of the most prolific living sociologists, he has about 200 publications to his name, including 13 books. Becker has been awarded six honorary degrees, and in 1998 was given the award for Career of Distinguished Scholarship by the American Sociological Association. His scholarship has been supported by the Ford Foundation, the Guggenheim Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation. Becker served as President of the Society for the Study of Social Problems from 1965-66, and is a lifelong jazz pianist. Becker earned Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate degrees in sociology from the University of Chicago, studying with those considered a part of the Chicago School of Sociology, including Everett C. Hughes, Georg Simmel, and Robert E. Park. Becker himself is considered a part of the Chicago School. His career in studying those considered deviant began thanks to his exposure to marijuana smoking at Chicagos jazz bars, where he regularly played piano. One of his earliest research projects focused on marijuana use. This research fed into his widely read and cited book  Outsiders, which is considered one of the first texts to develop labeling theory, which postulates that people adopt deviant behavior that breaks social norms after they have been labeled deviant by others, by social institutions, and by the criminal justice system. Importance of His Work The importance of this work is that it shifts analytic focus away from individuals and to social structures and relations, which allows for the social forces at play in producing deviance to be seen, understood, and changed, if need be. Beckers groundbreaking research resonates today in the work of sociologists who study how institutions, including schools, use racial stereotypes to label students of color as deviant problems that must be managed by the criminal justice system, rather than in-school punishment. Beckers book  Art Worlds  made important contributions to the subfield of the sociology of art. His work shifted the conversation from individual artists to the whole field of social relations that make the production, distribution, and valuation of art possible. This text also proved influential to the sociology of media, media studies, and cultural studies. Another important contribution that Becker made to sociology was to write his books and articles in an engaging and readable way that made them accessible to a wide audience. He wrote prolifically also on the important role that good writing plays in disseminating the results of sociological research. His books on this topic, which also serve as writing guides, include  Writing for Social Scientists,  The Tricks of the Trade, and  Telling About Society. Learn More About Howie Becker You can find much of Beckers writing on his website, where he also shares his music, photos, and favorite quotes. To learn more about Beckers fascinating life as a jazz musician/sociologist, check out this in-depth 2015 profile of him in  The New Yorker.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

As an Employer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

As an Employer - Essay Example try is too high and at the same time these people stay longer without jobs, the government strains in terms of shelling out money to cater for their livelihood. For instance, the Brazilian economy was slugged in the year 2001 following 58% increment in unemployment rate from the previous year. It took another two years for the Brazilian economy to re-gain its stability (Taylor, 2006). Another relationship between the economy of Brazil and unemployment rates is in terms of spending power. High rates of unemployment leads to reduced rates of spending since the unemployed persons decides to save their money and drastically cut on their expenditure which in turn affects the economy. On the other hand, the employed persons also reduce their rate of spending due to insecurity of their own work and increased taxes by the government. If this trend continues, the government becomes unable to obtain or collect enough taxes to sustain the economy and this leads to economic instability in the country; as witnessed in the years 2001 up to the year 2004. In short the government can only sustain its economy if it obtains enough taxes and revenues from public spending. It is this public spending that unemployment targets in order to curb the economy and make it unstable. Most businesses in the country cut prices in order to sell their products and sometimes lead them out of busi ness thus casing even more unemployment (Taylor, 2006). Lastly, the Brazilian economy is related with its unemployment rates in terms of recession. In situations where the country experiences increased levels of unemployment, some vital economic factors such as health costs, income, healthcare quality, living standards and poverty are affected. These economic determinants at the end affect the stability, performance and growth of the country’s economy (Taylor, 2006). The last time unemployment rate was reported in Brazil was in September 2011 and the standings were at 6%. This is seen as a lower figure

Friday, October 18, 2019

Zara - The Fast Fashion Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Zara - The Fast Fashion Leader - Essay Example The essay "Zara - The Fast Fashion Leader" explores the fashion leader, Zara company. Zara is also successful in ensuring barriers are established for new market entrants through self-operated manufacturing capacity and logistics strategies that cannot be rivalled without substantial capital investment. Weaknesses in the model were identified by conducting a comprehensive European/global environmental analysis of the competitive industry as well as through examination of Zara’s current business model. Weaknesses lie is in isolating the company from negative publicity, which has been a large problem recently with accusations of the company being supportive of sweatshop labour conditions with foreign suppliers. Additionally, research has identified weaknesses involving a lack of focus on more relevant, behavioural marketing strategy development as well as the company not maintaining proper focus on building more independent supply and logistics networks that would be owned by Za ra to improve its scope of control. Because of these weaknesses, it is recommended that Zara consider repositioning the business to a premiumisation strategy as a new business level strategy, diversifying self-managed manufacturing and logistics capabilities, and focusing on promotion that is more consumer-centric. It is further recommended that Zara differentiate its products with an emphasis on fashion-forward design in order to capture the attention of target markets that value exclusivity. These strategies will sustain Zara.’s future brand position and build more positive brand equity. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 Introduction..................................................................................................... 2.0 Strategic issues and competitive forces........................................................... 2.1 Industry Life Cycle analysis................................................................ 2.2 Porter’s Five Forces analysi s............................................................... 2.3 PEST framework................................................................................. 3.0 Internal strategic audit..................................................................................... 4.0 PR crises at Zara.............................................................................................. 5.0 Recommendations for future business sustainability....................................... 5.1 Improving supply capabilities.............................................................. 5.2 Better utilisation of marketing theory and practice.............................. 5.3 Premiumisation..................................................................................... 5.4 Differentiation as business level strategy............................................. 6.0 Conclusion........................................................................................................ References 1.0 Introduction The fast fashion leader, Zara, provides fashion and accessory products to a variety of profitable consumer markets in multiple international markets. Zara stands out from competition most distinctly for the retailer’s ability to restock in-store inventories with a lead time of only two weeks or less. This is unparalleled in the retail industry as most retail competitors require months in order to launch a

Research proosal on ASTHMA Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Proosal on ASTHMA - Research Proposal Example The descriptive-quantitative research methodology will be adopted using the survey questionnaire as the primary data gathering instrument. Parent – respondents will be selected using purposive sampling and will involve a minimum of 200 respondents determined using post-hoc statistical power analysis. Both descriptive and inferential measures will be utilized in the statistical treatment of the data gathered. SPSS Version 17 will be used in the statistical analysis of data. Introduction Background of the Study The comprehensive health reform legislation known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 was signed into law to expand healthcare coverage and cost and enhance the delivery of health care in the United States. Reporting on the feedback from Spanish media, Nix and Adair (2010) articulated that President Barack Obama championed the law to reassure that minorities in the US can avail of access to health care services by way of between coverage opti ons. The PPACA may well one improvement that Mensah and Glover (2007) believe to be possible in the American healthcare setting characterized with a history of pervasive disparities in health status and health care delivery for the last two centuries. Health disparities refer to â€Å"differences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of diseases and other adverse health conditions† (National Institutes of Health, as cited in Mensah & Glover, 2007; Pamies & Nsiah-Kumi, 2009). The burden of asthma is an example of disparities in childhood in the US in a general sense (Akinbami & Schoendorf, 2002; Smith, Hatcher-Ross, Wertheimer & Khan, 2005; McDaniel, Paxson & Waldfogel, 2006). While Pamies and Nsiah-Kumi (2009) highlighted the disparities among children of color, Wright and Newman-Giger (2010) focused on Hispanics / Latinos. Of particular concern in this regard is the documented fact that children younger than four years are usually hospitalized because of asthma and that the largest increase in hospitalization trend was among children from 0 to 4 years old (Bigby, 2011; Brooker & Elward, 2010). In the case of children 4 years old and younger, access to healthcare is a matter of parental decision. Compliance and adherence to medication regimen is also largely a parental responsibility. Accordingly, as suggested in Wright and Newman-Giger (2010), there is a need to address how parents’ beliefs and perceptions regarding healthcare play a role in the enhancement of health outcomes of their children, especially those in the 0 to 4 age bracket. Problem Statement As revealed by the Institute of Health (2009), the culture factor in the asthma burden among Hispanic children had been examined from the angle of birth place and lifetime asthma diagnosis, family income and insurance status. Studies have also been undertaken to investigate access to healthcare among cultural minorities from a very general perspective (Edmunds & Coye, 1998; Wright & Newman-Giger, 2010). In the case of asthmatic children four years or younger, however, access to healthcare, as well as compliance and adherence to medical intervention are mediated by their parents or guardians who are mostly relatives. There is a paucity of research which ventured to explore this perspective of disparities in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The term Eloquence as it relates to rhetoric Essay

The term Eloquence as it relates to rhetoric - Essay Example Also concr. eloquent language. Primarily of oral utterance, and hence applied to writing that has the characteristics of good oratory. In modern use: the notion of impassioned utterance is more prominent". History has produced a number of statesmen and philosophers who were physically weak and frail old men, but who with their sharp tongues and a nimble mind, would speak so sublimely in a simple and lucid manner that even the meanest despot would think twice before acting in haste. Eloquence is a tool and a facilitator that helps an ordinary speaker to become an orator. An orator would again use strong rhetoric to force out an issue in his own favour. In short, eloquence, rhetoric and oratory are interlinked. Eloquence when combined with oratory becomes powerful and when the two combine with rhetoric, the combination can become deadly and powerful, moving armies to inaction and turning the speaker from a position of weakness to a position of strength. The Oxford Dictionary emphasises this point and when Marc Antony speaks out to the citizens of Rome he begins with ‘Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears, for I have come to bury Caesar and not praise him’. In all probability, if Marc Antony had become a tirade of anger and wrong doing or even treachery against Brutus and this gang, then the crowd would not have rose to punish Brutus and the history of the world would have been different (Rawson, 1978). Eloquence is not about using very high blown language or even using complex terms and ideas and it is not about brow beating an audience into accepting a high sounding speech that they do not understand. Rather it is using ordinary words and phrases and combining them to force the audience into thinking on a different track. It is not about rabble rousing though leaders down the ages, have used it for waging mutiny

Microbiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Microbiology - Essay Example These findings established an association between the â€Å"questioning† microbes and disease. Indicating that disease is caused due to the attack by tiny micro-organisms. This formed the basis for further research. Whereas, Robert Koch in 1890, physician and bacteriologist further, confirmed this microbial association with the disease. Based on his constant research he established that: a. The bacteria must be present in every disease. b. The bacteria must be isolated from the host suffering from the disease and should be grown in the pure culture. c. The disease must be repeated and reproduced if organism from the pure culture is inoculated into a healthy host. d. Again the same bacteria should be revered from the infected host. All these systematic postulation were not laid by Bassi and Pasteur. Although these postulates do not work when there is no animal model available to test a specific bacteria. Moreover a few bacteria cannot be grown in pure culture in the laboratory conditions, e.g. Mycobacterium laprae the causal organism of leprosy cannot be grown in pure culture. In certain cases virulence or disease causing ability is acquired, so the postulate does not hold true. In certain cases the microbe gains access via trauma, injury or through surgery, then also Koch's postulate are not valid.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The term Eloquence as it relates to rhetoric Essay

The term Eloquence as it relates to rhetoric - Essay Example Also concr. eloquent language. Primarily of oral utterance, and hence applied to writing that has the characteristics of good oratory. In modern use: the notion of impassioned utterance is more prominent". History has produced a number of statesmen and philosophers who were physically weak and frail old men, but who with their sharp tongues and a nimble mind, would speak so sublimely in a simple and lucid manner that even the meanest despot would think twice before acting in haste. Eloquence is a tool and a facilitator that helps an ordinary speaker to become an orator. An orator would again use strong rhetoric to force out an issue in his own favour. In short, eloquence, rhetoric and oratory are interlinked. Eloquence when combined with oratory becomes powerful and when the two combine with rhetoric, the combination can become deadly and powerful, moving armies to inaction and turning the speaker from a position of weakness to a position of strength. The Oxford Dictionary emphasises this point and when Marc Antony speaks out to the citizens of Rome he begins with ‘Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears, for I have come to bury Caesar and not praise him’. In all probability, if Marc Antony had become a tirade of anger and wrong doing or even treachery against Brutus and this gang, then the crowd would not have rose to punish Brutus and the history of the world would have been different (Rawson, 1978). Eloquence is not about using very high blown language or even using complex terms and ideas and it is not about brow beating an audience into accepting a high sounding speech that they do not understand. Rather it is using ordinary words and phrases and combining them to force the audience into thinking on a different track. It is not about rabble rousing though leaders down the ages, have used it for waging mutiny

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What does an examination of 'secret trusts' mean Rationale behind the Essay

What does an examination of 'secret trusts' mean Rationale behind the Secret Trust - Essay Example He is the beneficiary of a generous trust set up by his father" his condition or obligation of one to whom anything is confided; responsible charge or office." We can summarize the term trust in this manner.Secret and half-secret trusts are invented by English. They have come into existence on the slender of grounds, and been nurtured over the years because nobody seems to have the heart to put them out as it is deep rooted in the field of trust. The trust property is something held by one party for the benefit of another and the first party is called as the trustee and second party is the beneficiary. The main intention behind the creation of trust is that the devisee or grantee shall convey it, or dispose of the profits, at the will, or for the benefit, of another; an estate held for the use of another; a confidence respecting property reposed in one person, who is termed the trustee, for the benefit of another, who is called the cestui que trust.Law of equity and trust confers the provision regarding the trust. It laid down several duties and responsibilities for the trustees. As said before, generally we can define the a trust as a capacity by which a person can transfer title of the specific property to another who agrees to hold or manage it for the benefit of a third person. But when a person transfers his property to another person by way of gift or any other manner and it is implied that the same is to be kept as the trust on behalf of the beneficiary, then what will be the status of such property. Law of trust dealt this, with the provision of secret trust. Whenever we analyze the scope of secret trust, the importance of scope of implied trust can not be excluded. Any description of trust includes an implied resulting or constructive trust and a bare trust. (1) (Sub-section (1) (a), Trust of land and Appointment of trustees Act 1996) an implied trust is based on the presumed intention of the parties at the time the property is acquired by the resulting trustee. That is the point at which the contributors' beneficial interests crystallize. The beneficial shares are unaffected by subsequent conduct. This scope of implied trust has been rightly explained in ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Trust of land and Appointment of trustees Act 1996, 2 in Cowcher v Cowcher (2).In the context of above, We shall examine the scope and rationale behind the provision of secret law under law of trust. Scope of secret trust A secret trust is an undercover arrangement between a testator and a trustee which operates outside the terms of the will. Equity enforces the settler's true intentions to benefit a third party even though this is contrary to the provisions of the Wills Act 1837, which was itself based on long-standing principles of the old Statute of Fraud 1677. Until 1677, there was no formality attached to the making of the will. Before the enactment of the 1677 statute any person could deceive in the name of bequest as it was made on behalf of him. But 1677 statute put an end to this fraud play by laid down the provision of importance of signature and writing at the time of making Will. It was extended to all assets under the section 9 of the Wills Act 1837. Will's Act is an anti-fraud provision. It imposes series of formalities that has to be complied with so as to ensure the will of the testator is being genuine and not fake. E.g. forbidding any gift which is made in favor of the witnesses and their spouses s15 (WA 1837) stipulation of compulsory requirement of codicil amendment of will.( sec.20,WA 1837) A secret trust arises when a testator wishes, for whatever reason, to transfer the benefit of property to a person without specifying that person as a legatee under his will. In consequence,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Communication Leaflet Essay Example for Free

Communication Leaflet Essay Idea occurs: this is when you think of an idea that you want to communicate. We all communicate for a reason, which is usually to pass on information to another person. Message coded: once we have thought of an idea we compose this within our thoughts, how we are going to say our idea to the recipient in a way the recipient will understand. For example, is the message going to be spoken to them, do they speak English. Is the message going to written down for them or are we going to use sign language, if so, what signs are we going to use to portray our message. Message sent: idea/message sent to the recipient. Message received: message is received by the other person. The recipient senses they have a message, for example either by seeing the message you’re signing or have written to them or hearing the message you’re speaking to them. Message decoded: recipient looks at the message and has to process what you have communicated for them to understand what has been spoken, signed or written, the message could be misunderstood easily by interpreting words differently. Message understood: the message has been received, decoded and understood by the recipient. If it has been communicated clearly, for example if there were no barriers within the communication cycle, the recipient will show their understanding by replying to your message. As the conversation continues, the sender of the message will then become the receiver of the replied message and so on and so on. Example of a message being sent using the Communication Cycle. The cycle will only continue if both parties understand what one another are sending, they can only do this by listening and processing what is being sent, understand then you can reply appropriately. In the communication cycle, things don’t always go smoothly and communication can break down when the cycle is broken. The cycle can break if the sender is unclear when they are sending their message or the receiver can misunderstand the message due to other distractions and then assume something else was being sent. Working in health and social care, your communicational skills are one of the most important skills you’ll need and use everyday. When communicating with patients/service users it is important they understand what discussions are taking place so they can join in them and it is equally as important for you to understand them so you know what they need and the choices they want to make. Communication barriers There are so many barriers that could affect communication between people. For example: Noisy surroundings: these can be a barrier as you may not be hear what is being spoken over the noise. For example, The manager of a care home was having a staff meeting when they were distracted with a noisy drilling and hammering sounds from workmen using loud tools in the room next door.. To overcome a noisy distraction you could ask the workmen how long they are going to be and if it isn’t too long you may take a break or postpone your meeting until they have finished. You could ask if they could delay theirs works for the remainder of your meeting. If this is not possible, rearrange your meeting for a later day, move room location for the remainder of the meeting. Disabilities: A physically disabled person attending their eye appointment and there is no lift at the opticians. To overcome this barrier you would enquire to see if the have another means to transporting the service user up the stairs and if this was not possible, enquire if the appointment could take place downstairs and if this was not possible, arrange an appointment where they can accommodate a wheelchair. Cultural differences: same meaning but different beliefs in different cultures. For example, eye contact when initially greeting some cultures is important but continuing eye contact is seen as a sign of disrespect. Some cultures like you to introduce yourself, they like a smile and a shake of hands. They are particular with the way they shake hands, extend the hand out and gently touch the other person’s hand, they don’t like the strong grasping shake of hands that the some cultures have. Bad lighting: bad lighting can be a distraction for example, someone who is visually impaired and wears glasses is at a meeting and the bright florescent lights are reflecting off their lenses or flickering distracting their sight. To overcome this barrier, you would enquire of any disabilities people may have, such as visual impairments or epilepsy and would not use lighting that will affect their condition or change room locations if the problem of flickering lights persists. Jargon: is technical terminology used by professionals for example, when a doctor uses full medical terminology when speaking to a service user and they do not explain what they mean in a way the service user can understand. Slang: is wording and phrases that are used by service users that could have several ways of being misinterpreted by others, for example, the elder service users may say they have water problems, and they are meaning they have toileting problems, we may think they mean tap water problems. Slang can be used when all parties understand. Language barriers: someone who doesn’t speak in a language you understand, for example, they are foreign or they can only communicate with sign language. To overcome a language barrier, enquire what language they communicate and have in place a signer if needed or a translator. Body language: is an aid to expressing what we want to communicate, verbally and none verbally. Body language that can be misinterpreted, for example, a manager stood at their office door with their arms folded may be seen as they are angry when really they are stood there listening as they are waiting for a visitor. Aggression: an aggressive attitude is often a barrier as this behaviour is frightening to others and can be intimidating. Mobile phones: ringing at the wrong time, for example, you are at Sunday mass with a service user and whilst your at the alter with the service user, your mobile phone rings. To ensure mobile phones do not ring, put signs in place to ask people to kindly turn their mobiles on silent if they cannot turn them off for any reason.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Human Resource Planning Strategies, Recruitment And Procedures

Human Resource Planning Strategies, Recruitment And Procedures INTRODUCTION According to Bulla and Scott human resource planning is the process for ensuring that the human resource requirements of an organization are identified and plans are made for satisfying those requirements. It determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals. Human resource planning is generally concerned with businesses of longer terms but sometimes it also addresses businesses of short terms as well. In order to improve organizational effectiveness, it looks at the broader issues how people are employed and developed. Human resource planning is an integral part business planning. In this assignment, firstly I will explore that how HR plan supports organizations strategic objectives. Then I will discuss the legal requirements which influence HR planning. In next part, recruitment and selection of new staff is explained in detail and with it the effect of organizational culture on recruitment and retention of staff is described. In last part, human resource management procedures are discussed which are grievance, discipline and dismissal procedures. The strategic planning process projects to changes in the type of activities carried out by the organization. In order to achieve the goals, resource and skill requirements it identifies the core competencies the organization needs. Quinn Mills says that human resource planning is a decision making process and consist of three steps: Identify appropriate number of people with right skills Motivate these people to achieve high performance Create links between business objectives and people planning activities. Human resource planning consists of four steps To forecast future needs To analyse the availability and supply of people To draw up plans To monitor how plans are implemented A strategy is a plan of a company which shows that how it matches its internal strengths and weaknesses to external threats and opportunities. CHALLENGES TO STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE Human resource management priorities are focusing on boosting competitiveness, reducing costs and improving employee performance. COMPANYS BASIC STRATEGIES CORPORATE STRATEGY Corporate strategy is portfolio of businesses that comprise the company and the ways by which these are related to each other. It consists of Diversification strategy identifies the expansion of a company by adding new products Vertical integration strategy shows the expansion of a company by producing its raw materials or selling its products Consolidation reduces the size of a company Geographic expansion takes the business abroad COMPETITIVE STRATEGY Competitive strategy strengthens the long term position of the companys business in the marketplace. Managers use different corporate strategies to achieve corporate advantage. COST LEADERSHIP aims to make the company a low cost leader in industry. DIFFERENTIATION COMPETITIVE STRATEGY is a strategy in which a company wants to be unique in the industry FUNCTIONAL STRATEGY It is a basic course of action that each department of business pursue to achieve its competitive goals. STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT In planning and achievement of any organization, human resource management plays a bigger role in the success. Strategic human resource management formulates and executes HR systems and HR policies. HR ROLE IN THE FORMULATION OF STRATEGY A strategic plan identifies, analyze, and balance the companys internal strengths and weaknesses and external threats and opportunities. Human resource planning process takes place within the context of labour market. According to Elliott (1991): The market for labour is an abstraction; it is an analytical construction used to describe the context within which the buyers and sellers of labour come together to determine the pricing and allocation of labour services. The internal labour market consists of labour within the company. It is a main source of future labour requirements by introducing the policies like training, development, and career planning and management succession. The external labour market consists of regional, local, national and international labour markets. In order to find the right people for the right job, it is necessary to consider that which of these labour markets are the best source. Both the sources are extensively used depending on the size of the company, the rate of growth and decline and the policies of employee resourcing. The firm much relies on internal market and believes in long term careers of the staff through training sessions or apprenticeship. The aims of human resource planning are as follows: The skillful and competent people are obtained and retained Makes the best use of human resource planning To overcome the problems like deficit of people or potential surplus To develop a trained workforce Reduce to rely on external recruitment Human resource planning consist of four steps Forecast future needs Analyze the supply and availability of people Make plans to match supply to demand Monitor the implementation of plan For future demands, human resource planning concentrates on skills and competencies which indicate the numbers required in longer term. Its main aim is to produce policies like training, retention and utilization of human resources and development. Human resource planning addresses the following questions: How many people will be needed? What competencies and skills are required for future? Is training or development needed further? Is there is a need for recruitment? When will there is a need for new people? When will the training and recruitment start? How to tackle the situation of reducing cut costs? How can the flexibility be achieved on the use of people? FORMULATION OF BUSINESS STRATEGY HR strategy contributes to the formulation of business strategy which identifies to make the best use of existing human resources. IMPLEMENTATION OF BUSINESS STRATEGIES It consists of; Development strategies are the needs to increase skills to fit people for greater responsibility. It also defines the outputs required from training programmes. Retention strategies indicate the intentions of the company to get the right people Utilization strategies describe how the organization intends to improve productivity and cost Flexibilities strategies define the companys strategies in developing flexible work arrangements Downsizing strategies are the needs to be done by the organization to reduce the numbers employed. FORMULATION OF HR STRATEGIES Formulation of strategies addresses a number of questions Where are we now? Where do we want to be in the future? How are we going to get there? Resourcing strategies are converted to business strategies by depending on the following plans SCENARIO PLAN conducts an environmental scan on the issues which affect the labour market. This is possibly based on PEST approach. DEMAND FORECASTING estimates the future needs of the people. Its base is long term business plan and annual budget. For the companys plans, details are required which results in increased or decreased demands of employees. The introduction of new technology would also have to be considered in order to bring changes to working methods or procedures. There are four methods of demand forecasting MANAGERIAL JUDGEMENT This method requires managers to sit together and think about the future pressure and workload. The managers have to decide that how many people they need. Line managers and senior managers are involved in this agreement. Top management prepares company and department forecasts and these forecasts are reviewed and agreed with department managers. All the guidelines should be prepared for departmental managers indicating the future activities which will effect their department. With the help of these guidelines, departmental managers prepare their forecast to a laid- down format. They can seek help from personnel department. The personnel department prepares a human forecast of the company. Human resource planning committee then reviewed these two forecasts and reconciles with the department managers about these two forecasts and submits a final amended forecast to top management for approval. RATIO TREND ANALYSIS It is a study of past ratios between direct and indirect workers. In this way, future ratios are forecasted and made some allowances for changes in the company. WORK STUDY TECHNIQUES Work study techniques are used in work measurements to calculate long operations and the requirement of people for those operations. The production budget of any manufacturing company is prepared in volumes of sealable products or in volumes of output for individual departments. The productive hours are then compiled by the use of standard hours. The standard hours per unit of output are multiplied by the planning volume of units to be produced to give the total planned hours. This is divided by the number of actual working hours for an individual operator. MODELLING Technique like computers and spreadsheet can help in demand and supply forecast. FORECASTING COMPETENCE AND SKILL REQUIREMENT This shows an impact of projected, product market developments and the introduction of new technology. SUPPLY FORECASTING estimate the supply of manpower by reference to analyses of current resources and future availability. Supply forecasting consists of number of people from inside or outside of the organization. It covers Existing human resources Losses to existing human resources through employee wastage Changes to existing human resources through internal promotions The effect of changing conditions and absenteeism of work Sources of supply from inside or outside the organization FORECASTING REQUIREMENTS analyse the demand and supply forecasts to identify future deficits with the help of models. DEMAND AND SUPPLY FORECASTING MODELS Models help to make decisions and make the decision makers to understand the situation in which these decisions are made. These modelling techniques help to prepare human resource forecast. It also helps to understand the career evaluation and predict and measure wastage for setting and operating models, data is required which is as follows: Human resource system- gives a description of the people who enter or exit of the organization and their progress at different levels. Stocks the number of people employed in each grade. They are analysed in age or length of service Flows- recruits, leavers and promotion flows are analysed by age or length of service Assumptions- assumptions are made for future behaviour of the system and in this way the implications of different outcomes can be evaluated. Career analysis- a career prospectus is made to build up analysing data on promotions. This links the data to information on the database about the potential of current employees. FLEXIBILITY It aims to achieve increased organizational effectiveness. It has following forms CONTRACT BASED FLEXIBILITY is an employee contract which shows the flexibility of terms and conditions. The overall purpose of the job descriptions is written in terms. This flexibility can be achieved by employing contract workers to work on any task according to their skills. TIME BASED FLEXIBILITY is achieved by the flexible hours. JOB BASED FLEXIBILITY is a functional flexibility in which workers can move from task to task according to their skills. Companies make the fullest use of flexibility in order to make the fullest use of their workforce. Functional flexibility is also associated with pay schemes and ensures that all staff is treated equally in terms of benefits. SKILL BASED FLEXIBILITY is a range of staff to perform different tasks to exercise greater responsibility. it is based on the competencies and the utilization of the capabilities of the workers. ORGANIZATION BASED flexibility makes use of contract workers and part time and temporary staff. PRODUCTIVITY AND COST ANALYSIS analyse the productivity and costs to identify the need for improvement. An increase in activity level can improve the productivity and recruits more employees. In order to reduce costs, a company looks at productivity and employment costs. The input of employees gives an output of goods and services as productivity. Employment costs consist of pay, employee benefits, national insurance contributions, recruitment costs, training costs, leaving costs including redundancy payments, loss of production, replacement and training, the cost of health and safety and personnel administration costs. ACTION PLANNING Action planning is derived from the resourcing strategies and are made in the following areas OVERALL PLAN The overall human resource plan Improves methods in sorting out young people for recruitment Links with schools and colleges to create interest of the young people Attracts young people by developing programmes and training sessions Widens to recruit woman and part time workers Arrange working hours for new employees Provide benefit packages Provide training programmes for the new employees and make better use of their skills and talents HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The human resource development plan shows The number of existing staff who needs training The number of trainees required and the programmes for recruiting and training them New learning programmes or the changes to the existing courses THE RECRUITMENT PLAN The recruitment plan set out The need of the numbers and types of people required to make up any deficits To attract candidates by training and development programmes, pay and benefit packages, working hours arrangement, child care facilities etc The dealing of the problems in the supply of the recruits by the recruitment programme THE RETENTION PLAN The retention plan is based on the analysis of why people leave. It addresses the following areas PAY This problem arises due to unfair and uncompetitive systems. Actions to be taken are Review pay levels on the basis of market surveys Review pay schemes so that everyone is treated equally Make sure that employees understand the relation between performance and reward JOBS They should be designed in such a way which can increase skill variety and provide opportunities for learning and growth. PERFORMANCE If the employees are not clear of their responsibilities or performance then they can be demotivated. Related to performance, following actions can be taken Encourage managers to praise the staff for their performance by giving them a healthy and informative feedback. Train managers in counselling; give briefing on performance management system and get a feedback on how it has been applied TRAINING If the people are not trained then this can create an increase in resignations. Training and learning programmes should be introduced to employees before joining the organization. Training programmes give employees the confidence and make them more competent in their performance. In this way they can make better use of their abilities and can do variety of tasks and enhance their skills and competencies. CAREER DEVELOPMENT Promotion prospectus and career prospectus in many of the organizations is limited which make most of the employees to turnover. To have a stable workforce, employers need planning in providing career opportunities by Developing promotion procedures Giving advice on career prospectus Encourage promotion from within COMMITMENT Commitment can be increased by explaining the mission and strategies of the company. Communication with employees is very important especially face to face communication. This also seeks the views of other people at work. CONFLICT WITH MANAGES AND SUPERVISORS This is another reason of turnover. This should be solved by Selecting those managers who are qualified and with well developed leadership Giving them training in resolving conflicts and dealing with grievances Recruitment and selection Poor selection results in rapid turnover. Selection of the employees should match with their capabilities. THE FLEXIBILITY PLAN The aim of the flexibility plan is utilize all the skills and capabilities of employers. It also reduces the employment cost and increase productivity. The flexibility plan consist of ALTERNATIVES TO FULL TIME PERMANENT STAFF The core of permanent full time staff consist of managers and team leaders who are needed to run the teams of core also include professional staff such as personnel which provides high level professional advice and services. Knowledge workers, technicians and highly skilled workers is also a part of team. The next step is the right use of the temporary workers, part-time workers and subcontracting workers. FLEXIBLE HOUR ARRANGEMENT This is also included in flexibility plan. Flexible hours can be arranged in the following ways: FLEXIBLE DAILY HOURS is a day to day pattern according to work loads FLEXIBLE WEEKLY HOURS are the weekly hours which are done at the peak time of the year COMPRESSED WORKING WEEKS is a pattern where employees work less than five days OVERTIME To reduce the overtime costs, flexibility plan offers flexible hours, new shift arrangements and overtime limitations. ARRANGEMENT OF SHIFT WORKING This reduces the overtime and is modified to meet demand requirements. THE PRODUCTIVITY PLAN This plan increase productivity and reduce employment costs by improving the methods like automation, mechanization and computerization. THE DOWNSIZING PLAN This plan sets out Arrangement for consulting with employees and their trade unions Forecast of the number of losses that can be taken up by natural wastage Forecast of the number who want to leave voluntarily Redundancy terms Arrangements by telling individual employees about the redundancies and keeping the trade unions informed CONTROL In spite of including budgets and targets, human resource plan also clarifies the implementation and control. This reports on the numbers employed against establishment and on the numbers recruited against the recruitment targets. Against budget, it also report employment costs and trends in wastage and employment ratios. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION OF NEW STAFF The overall aim of the recruitment and selection process is to obtain the number and quality required at a minimum cost in order to satisfy the companys human resource requirements. The recruitment and selection process is a series of three steps: Define requirements Decide terms and conditions of employment, prepare job descriptions and specifications Attract candidates Review and evaluate by building a pool of candidates for the jobs by recruiting internal and external candidates, advertisement, use agencies and consultants Select candidates By interviewing, testing, assessing, assessment centres, offering employment, asking references, and preparing employment contracts DEFINE REQUIREMENTS In recruitment programme, the number of people required should be specified which is derived from the human resource plan. In addition, there will be demands for new jobs to be filled and these should be checked for justification. It is necessary to check the type of employee required for a specific job. For assessing candidates, this information provides a basic introduction required to agencies or recruitment consultants. A candidates profile, educational background, experience and skills produce criteria for a suitable job and is assessed by interviewing or by means of psychological tests. JOB DESCRIPTION A job description sets the overall objective of the job, basic details of the job, main activities and any other special requirements. For the purpose of recruitment, the information can only be provided on the arrangement for training and career opportunities. Pay, benefits, mobility and travelling are included in terms and conditions. PERSONNEL SPECIFICATIONS It is also known as recruitment, person specification or job specification. It requires educational background, qualification, experience, skills, competencies and training from the candidate. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND OR QUALIFICATION- academic or technical qualification is required EXPERIENCE- achievements or merits obtained COMPETENCIES- it consist of any special skills achieved such as numeracy TRAINING- any special training that a candidate has taken SPECIFIC DEMANDS- a candidate is expected to develop new markets, productivity, best customer services and sales and introduce new techniques and systems ORGANIZATIONAL FIT- the candidate is expected to work within the corporate culture SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS- mobility, unsocial hours and travelling The most familiar classification scheme introduced by Rodger (1952) and is known as THE SEVEN POINT PLAN The seven point plan consists of PHYSICAL APPEARANCE- physique, health, appearance and speech ATTAINMENTS- education, qualification, experience GENERAL INTELLIGENCE- intellectual quality SPECIAL APTITUDES- mechanical, manual dexterity INTERESTS- intellectual, practical, physically active, social, artistic DISPOSITION- influential, power of acceptance, steadiness, dependable, self reliance CIRCUMSTANCES- domestic circumstances, occupations of family Another classification system is produced by Munro- Fraser and is known as THE FIVEFOLD GRADING SYSTEM The fivefold grading system covers IMPACT ON OTHERS- appearance, make-up, speech, manner ACQUIRED QUALIFICATION- education, vocational training, experience INNATE ABILITIES- aptitude for learning, natural quickness of comprehension MOTIVATION- goals set up by an individual and determination to follow them and success in achieving them ADJUSTMENT- emotional stability Both systems are proved to be good for interviewing but seven point plan is more stable and has a longer pedigree. COMPETENCY BASED APPROACH During selection process, competency based approach is used as a framework for a particular role. According to Roberts (1997) The benefit of taking a competencies approach is that people can identify and isolate the key characteristics which would be used as the basis for selection, and that those characteristics will be described in terms which both can understand and agreeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..The competencies therefore become a fundamental part of a selection process. According to Wood and Payne (1998), the advantages of competency based approach are; It increases the accuracy of prediction about stability It facilitates a closer match between the persons attributes and the demands of the job It helps to prevent interviewers making snap adjustments It can underpin the whole range of recruitment techniques- application forms,, interviews, tests and assessment centres ATTRACTING CANDIDATES It is a matter to identify, evaluate and use the most appropriate sources of applicants. If difficulties occur in attracting candidates then being an employer there should be a proper study at the strengths and weaknesses of the company. ANALYSIS OF RECRUITMENT STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES It covers the matters like pay, employee benefits, working conditions, security of employment, educational and training opportunities, career prospectus and the reputation of an organization. The aim of an organization is to build a better image by use of advertisements, brochures or interviews. SOURCES OF CANDIDATES To fill the anticipated openings, if there are no qualified candidates inside then the outside candidates are given more consideration. This may require forecasting general economic, local market and occupational market conditions. To forecast general economic conditions is the expected prevailing rate of unemployment. Lower rate of unemployment lowers the labour supply and then its more difficult to recruit personnel Local labour market conditions are also important. Finally, the forecasting of candidates for jobs in specific occupations is to be recruited. Once a position is filled, the next step is to develop an applicant pool either from internal or external sources. Recruitment efforts are for the welfare of the strategic plans of the company. Some recruiting methods are superior to others, depending what your sources are and who a company is recruiting. If no candidates are available within an organization then the main sources of candidates are ADVERTISING Advertising is a best source to attract candidates. For successful advertisement, a company needs to address two issues: the media and the ads construction. The selection of best medium depends on the types of positions a company is recruiting. OBJECTIVES OF ADVERTISEMENT Attract attention An advertisement should be attractive enough to gain an attention of a potential candidate Create and maintain interest The information of an ad is to be communicated in an attractive way about the job, the organization, qualifications and the terms and conditions of employment. Stimulate action An advertisement should be conveyed in such a way that it not only attracts candidates but encourage them to read at the end and apply. ANALYSE THE JOB REQUIREMENT Its necessary for a company to establish that how many jobs to be filled and when. Then comes the job description and person specification for qualification and experience. The next step is to consider where suitable candidates are likely to come from and the companies, jobs or educational establishments they are in. Finally the pay and the benefits of the company are clearly shown in an advertisement. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES AS A SOURCE OF CANDIDATES There are three basic types of employment agencies THOSE OPERATED BY FEDERAL OR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS These agencies are on the rise these days. These agencies fill up the jobs, counsellors visit the work site. Review the job requirements and help the employer to write job description. THOSE ASSOCIATED WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION Most societies have units which help their members in finding a suitable job. Public welfare agencies place the people who are disabled and war veterans. PRIVATE OWNED AGENCIES These agencies charge to every applicant for the application they place. These agencies are the sources of managerial personnel, clerical and white collar. RECRUITMENT CONSULTANTS Recruitment consultants advertise, interview and shortlist. STEPS FOR CHOOSING RECRUITMENT CONSULTANT Check its reputation with others Check the advertisements of other companies in order to know the consultancy Meet the consultant who is working on the assignment Compare its fee with other recruitment consultants USING RECRUITMENT CONSULTANTS It is necessary to Brief them the terms and conditions of the company Give them assistance in job defining Clarify arrangements for interviewing and short- listing Clarify the fee and expenses structure Make sure the arrangements made are directly dealing with the consultant USING EXECUTIVE SEARCH CONSULTANTS These are also known as head hunter. These consultants are for senior jobs and direct the limited number of people to specific jobs. They are bit expensive consultants .These consultants have their own contacts and have researchers who identify specific people for a specific job. The consultant forwards the shortlist of candidates with full report to the client when a number of potential candidates have been assembled. CHOOSING AN ADVERTISING COMPANY Following steps should be taken while choosing an advertising company Experience in handling recruitment advertising Services provided to the clients Fee structure Staff meeting who are working on advertisement Discuss methods of working RECRUITMENT ADVERTISEMENT A recruitment advertisement should start with a compelling headline and then it covers the areas like the organization, the job, qualification and experience, terms and conditions of job, the location and the action to be taken. The headline should be a job title and in bold letters. For attracting customers, quote the salary in an attractive way. The name of the company should be given. Create interest in the job and convey the essential features of the job by giving a brief description of the duties of a job holder. The qualification and experience should be stated. This will vary from candidate to candidate. Pay scale and the job requirements will give them the enough information about the experience required. Final section of the advertisement is how a candidate can apply for a job? Candidates would be appreciated if they apply in writing, or have a telephonic conversation or may be called for an informal chat at some suitable place. SEX DISCRIMINATION ACT 1975 According to this law it is unlawful to discriminate by favouring sex in advertisement. Sexiest job titles should be avoided. There are certain jobs which are unisex and are non discriminatory. TYPE OF ADVERTISEMENT CLASSIFIED/ RUN- ON- they are cheap and suitable for routine jobs. In this a copy is run on, having no white space in or around the advertisement and no paragraph spacing. CLASSIFIED/SEMI-DISPLAY-it is much more effective and is fairly cheap. The h