Saturday, February 23, 2019
Critical Analysis of a Child’s Reading Essay
Reading is an essential skill in modern society. non unaccompanied does it enable people to access information, it provides people with a owing(p) deal of pleasure. It is vital that primary schools equip youngsterren with effective strategies for renting as well as foster a desire to read that allow for stay with them passim their lives. This analysis of rendering will firstly croak a brief out report of the con school text editionual matter al-Quranbook of my school placement. It will hit the books some(prenominal) pupils as indorsers and their strategies.The schools policy indicates that the context of dogma variation is very important suggesting a variety of text styles. face & Williamson (2005) inform us that the introduction of the National Literacy Strategy (DfES 2001) broadened the range of texts children atomic number 18 introduced to at primary level. The school is superbly resourced, with thousands of books available to all pupils. smooth construe is also practised daily. X Primary is a bigger than average three-form entry primary school with 472 pupils. Its in an field of view of average to high socio-economic status and the majority of pupils are from White British backgrounds with few pupils who speak English as an additional language. The number of pupils with schooling difficulties is below average. (Ofsted 2010).Below is an analysis of a childs construe. I will focus on analysing the childs mistakes in adaptation, called gaffes (Hall, 2003) to put one across information of the child as a proofreader.See more how to save a critical analysis outline educatee A was elect for assessment as he applauds reading and is a strong reader. He has had some(prenominal) school moves due to family issues, and has received intervention and support throughout his time at Primary X due to his level of absence. He is eager to learn, and was keen to read for me. The assessment involved analysing his intelligence information cogni tion and comprehension skills. This provides an opportunity to understand how savant A as a fairly fluent reader may process a text. The text which was read by Pupil A was chosen as it was dark to him. It was also chosen as a text that was suitable for his level of reading.Many of Pupil As miscues take place in the form of substitution. These miscues often relate to his syntactic companionship. He reads a rather of one (line 3) and but instead of and (line 8). He also produces the miscue scour (line 9) as an insertion. These miscues suggest that he is making predictions about a text using his syntactic association. This suggests that Pupil A brings his own experience to a text which throws him to make predictions (Smith cited in Hall, 2003), resulting in a miscue.This suggests that Pupil A uses his syntactic experience to obtain meaning in what he reads (Hall, 2003). This miscue can also alter the meaning of the text which may happen upon his catch. Pupil A makes the same miscue when he substitutes for for from (Page 2 line 1). He self corrects and asks for reassurance in his correction. Pupil A also corrects himself on the discourse quickly (Pg 3 line 3). This self-correction reveals that he uses syntactic knowledge to process the text, but also that the text Pupil A sees is disparate from the text on the page (Goodman cited in Hall, 2003). Goodman suggests that there are two texts in question when reading takes place, being the actual text, and the perceived text.Pupil A demo a comprehensive understanding of the text. He demonstrated an understanding for the organisation of the text and recalled events of the story. Pupil A demonstrated an readiness to infer from the text and evaluate it. When questioned, he was able to express that he liked the text and expressed why. He demonstrated emotional or psychological response to the text and characters experienceings. This suggests that Pupil A engaged with the text and was interested in the plot. In conclusion Pupil A demonstrates a clear efficacy to read fluently and uses different strategies for decryption words. His ability to decode unknown words could be extended by knowledge of consonant digrams. Pupil A shows an ability to understand a text on a literal level, as well as lovable in a text by making inferences and evaluating a text. We could meliorate this motivation to read by encouraging Pupil A to read regularly for pleasure.Pupil B was chosen as although she receives literacy support, she does not enjoy reading. She has accessed literacy support since starting at Primary school in form 3 and has made considerable progress and is able to read plastered texts independently however she also shows little interest in reading for pleasure. She is willing to read with me, as she is used to reading with adults, in a 1-1 situation, and is comfortable with me as I take on been in her class for several weeks. She is reluctant to pick a book she in unfamiliar with and c annot moot of a favourite author/book when questioned.Pupil B begins well, with her decoding strategies revealing her processing of a text but also her phonic knowledge. She reads the word spider lings (line 8) correctly, by surgical incisioning the word in her head first. She past blends ling quietly, to herself, and then asks for reassurance to put both words together. This is because this is an unusual, unknown word, and Pupil B is unfamiliar with the term. She stumbles over the word different (line9). She did not segment the word out loud and so it is difficult to determine which outline she used to decode the word. Nevertheless, it is possible that Pupil B may have used one of two strategies. For the first dodging, its possible that she segmental and blended the word in silently. This suggests that Pupil B is confident in segmenting and blending.For the second strategy, Pupil B may have used her graphophonic knowledge to decode the word. Therefore it is possible that she recognised the word from previous reading exercises. She demonstrates her grapheme-phoneme correspondence knowledge in her unsuccessful attempt to decode the word notice (line 10). She fell silent which suggests she attempted to segment the word in her head. However, Pupil B finds this strategy unsuccessful and then chooses to segment the word out loud Pupil B often falls silent throughout the exercise, and waits for a prompt. I feel this is due to her lack of combine rather than lack of knowledge.Pupil B demonstrates her grapheme and phonemic knowledge (Hall, 2003) by successfully sounding out the first syllable of the word children (line11). She was unavailing to sound out the second syllable. This suggests that she struggled to sound out a token grapheme. Its possible that Pupil B was unfamiliar with the consonant digraph il. However, Pupil B demonstrates a fluency in reading which may suggest that she uses sight reading as a strategy (Ehri cited in Hall, 2003) to process a t ext. Erhi (cited in Hall, 2003) suggests that readers find new ship canal of identifying words. Finding new methods to identify a word can function a reader to become a more fluent in reading.My reading assessment can provide an insight to how a reader may process a text (Ellis & Lewis, 2006 but its only an insight. I cannot be certain that the suggested reading strategy is the method used. The childs responses is dependent on the text. Another influence could be the texts difficulty. Too difficult a text may cause them to make miscues and create an unfair representation of the reader (Campbell, 2011). A readers inability to engage in the text may be because the reader is not interested in the text. To remedy this, it would be utile to find out what books the reader prefers.Another strategy for developing reading is shared reading which provides opportunities for children to peer assess. Iversen & Reeder (1998) suggest that this allows children to actively participate when they fe el comfortable. This is useful when children havent developed full confidence in their own reading ability, it provides a safe structure encouraging contribution. This would be beneficial if both pupils could work together as Pupil A may help Pupil B become more engaged with the text.After analysing both Pupil A and Pupil B, I was strike at how both pupils used similar techniques, however they were different when reading aloud. I felt there was a gap in understanding and intonation from both pupils, despite being close in age, and both receiving support. I believe another difference was the pupils was desire to read, with Pupil A keen to read books, demonstrating a clear opinion on authors or genre, however Pupil B was reluctant to name a book shed read, and didnt have a favourite author/style. I believe this lack of enthusiasm for reading will hinder her development, disregarding of support put in. In conclusion, both pupils show an understanding and alter strategies to break do wn a text, however the major difference seems to be their attitude towards reading itself.ReferencesEDP 4120 Assessing ReadingRiley, J & Reedy, D. (2000) Developing physical com linear perspective for different purposes teaching about genre in the early years. capital of Minnesota Chapman Publishing, capital of the United Kingdom.Iversen, S. & Reeder, T. (1998) Organising for a Literacy Hour, London Kingscourt Publishing.Hall, K 2003 Listening to Stephen Read Multiple perspectives on Literacy Buckingham Open UniversityEnglish, E. and Williamson, J. (2005) Meeting the Standards in Primary English. Routledge Falmer.DfES. (2006) The Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics, London department for training and Skills.DfES. (2006) The Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics Core position papers underpinning the renewal of guidance for teaching literacy and mathematics, London Department for Education and Skills.DfEE. (1999) The National Curriculum Handbook for primary teac hers in England, London Department for Education and Employment.Ofsted 2010Campbell, R 2011 Miscue Analysis in the Classroom Leicester UKLA
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